play games
from the
whole world!
The IndieCade Europe showcase will draw from IndieCade’s international pool of submitted games, highlighting a diversity of works and wonderful games from across the many regions of the world. Dozens of games and experiences of all types, genres and platforms will be featured in this impactful showcase.Learn more

Keynotes &
you don't want
to miss!
Top industry minds join us for some provocative and timely talks and keynotes! We’re featuring two days of talks around creative industries, community support, and tools & technologies. There’s something for everyone, from experienced designers and veteran artists to folks just getting started.Learn more

and playtest
your game!
Due to popular demand, IndieCade is bringing the Show & Tell demo area to Europe. If you’re playtesting a work-in-progress, promoting an upcoming release / crowd-funded project, or just interested in showing your game, show it off here!Learn more

Discover the next
gaming experience...
During IndieCade Europe, you won’t only play classic games. The very playful ceremony of the Awards will also reward the more innovative games as well as the men and women who develop them. Memorable times for everyone!Learn more